President National Academy of Fine Arts, (period 2022/2024) Buenos Aires, Argentina
Jury Konex Award 2022 for Visual Arts, Konex Foundation, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Engraving and its medium, Conversation with the artist Matilde Marín, Fundación Forner – Bigatti, Buenos Aires, Argentina [Virtual Meeting] (June 18, 2021)
On engraving and its derivations, Conversation with the visual artist Matilde Marín, National University of Cuyo – FAD, Mendoza, Argentina [Virtual Meeting] (May 21, 2021)
Award Jury, National Hall of Visual Arts 2020/2021, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Award Jury, Photography and Video Contest, Bunge y Born Foundation, Buenos Aires, Argentina
MATERIOTECA, Online discussion table, Moderator Agustina Rodríguez Romero, II International Meeting of Interdisciplinary Studies on modern and contemporary artistic materiality, Research Center on Art, Matter and Culture, IIAC-UNTREF, Buenos Aires, Argentina [Virtual Meeting] (10 and September 11, 2020)
Cycle of Videos and Reflections, Contemporary Apostilles to an Exhibition (Reflections on the exhibition In the Landscape, Curated by Diana Weschler), Mirá MUNTREF, Museum of the National University of Tres de Febrero, Buenos Aires, Argentina (April 28 – 30, 2020)
Fellow of Institut d’Etudes Avancées, Nantes, France
Vice President of the National Academy of Fine Arts and President of the Federico Jorge Klemm Foundation in Buenos Aires, Argentina
The ideal map: The traveling artists, Conference with Matilde Marín, Museo Mar, Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina (November 2, 2018)
Big Projects / Intimate Projects, Visual Arts Curatorship Seminar, Speaker Matilde Marín, SAULA, Sala Futura, Río Gallegos, Argentina (September 26 and 29, 2018)
Artist Books: The invention of a genre, meeting with Matilde Marín, Museo Fueguino de Arte (MFA), Tierra del Fuego, Argentina (September 6, 2018)
Visual Itineraries, meeting with Matilde Marín, within the framework of the Archaeologist of Herself exhibition, OSDE Foundation, Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina (August 31, 2018)
Seminar on Art and Nature by Matilde Marín, within the framework of the Patagonia Sur Sur Photography Festival, Museo Marítimo Art Gallery, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina (August 4, 5, 6 and 7, 2018)
Co-curator with Pilar Altilio of the Patagonia Sur Sur Photography Festival, Museo Marítimo Art Gallery, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina (August 3-7, 2018)
Conference with Matilde Marín, in the framework of the presentation of the photographic project When I sight the blue smoke of Ithaca, Lima Photo, Lima, Peru (September 15, 2017)
Presentation of the catalog of the Archaeologist of herself exhibition, within the framework of the Archaeologist of herself exhibition OSDE Foundation, Buenos Aires, Argentina (July 21, 2017)
Award Jury, Alberto J. Trabucco Prize for Sculpture, National Academy of Fine Arts, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Art and Nature III, Projects in Salinas Grandes, Project management by Matilde Marín, Museum of Contemporary Art – MAC, Salta, Argentina (November 4 and 5, 2016)
Artists + Critics: María Teresa Constantin and Matilde Marín, Fundación PROA, Buenos Aires Argentina (October 1, 2016)
Work Clinic: In production, by Matilde Marín, within the framework of the 4th Contemporary Graphic Conference, Provincial University of Córdoba, Córdoba, Argentina (May 5 and 6, 2016)
Co-curator with Beatríz Moreiro of the collective exhibition The Great Shadow II: Artists from Corrientes, Chaco and Formosa, Institute of Culture of Corrientes, Corrientes, Argentina
Participation in the Conference of the National Meeting of Engraving, MAR Museum, Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Art and Nature II, Projects in Cerro Grande, Project management by Matilde Marín Museum of Contemporary Art – MAC, Salta, Argentina (April 10 and 11, 2015)
Conversation on The Artist’s Book: Matilde Marín together with Juan Canavesi, within the framework of the 3rd Conference on Contemporary Graphics 2014, Provincial University of Córdoba, Argentina (May 7, 2016)
Professor of the Art and Nature III Seminar, Finis Terrae Art University of Santiago de Chile, Chile
Professor of the Art and Nature Seminar, Finis Terrae Art University of Santiago de Chile, Chile
2008 – present
Academic of Number, National Academy of Fine Arts, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Artist’s Book Seminar, Catholic University of Santiago de Chile, Chile (November 13 and 17, 2006)
Professor of the Variable Edition Seminar, (Together with Teresa Gazitúa), Finis Terrae Art University of Santiago de Chile, Chile
Professor of the Artist’s Book Seminar, (Together with Teresa Gazitúa), Finis Terrae Art University of Santiago de Chile, Chile
Coordination of the traveling exhibition Beliefs and Behaviors. Latin American Art Program at New York University, New York, United States
Professor of the Seminar The Engraved Object, (Together with Teresa Gazitúa), University of Art Finis Terrae of Santiago de Chile, Chile
Co-curator of the Latin American collective exhibition of Artist’s Books, Fundación Telefónica de Santiago de Chile, Chile
Organization of the encounter The Question of Contemporary Graphics – Rupture of Limits. Aimed at printmakers and art teachers, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Organization of the exhibition Artist’s Books: A new genre, Museum of Fine Arts Juan B. Castagnino, Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina (September 4 – 30, 1998)
Organization of the Artist’s Books exhibition, National University of Art of Tucumán, Engraving Workshop, Tucumán, Argentina (September 11, 1998)
Organization in Buenos Aires of the first seminars on non-toxic and experimental techniques for updating engraving. Contemporary Graphic Workshop, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Professor of the Contemporary Engraving Techniques Seminar, Finis Terrae Art University of Santiago de Chile, Chile
Incorporation of images of her work in the study books used in printmaking courses at Musashino Art University, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Organization of the Paper Mills exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art in Mendoza, Argentina
Participation in the Conference of the III Latin American Meeting of Visual Arts, Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Lecture on the characteristics of the Tamarindo Workshop in New Mexico, USA and the Nostra América international engraving exhibition (events held during 1995 at the Museum of Engraving, Curitiba Cultural Foundation, Brazil), Caraffa Museum, Córdoba, Argentina (June 6 from 1996)
Professor of the O Livro do Artista Seminar in the framework of the IX Porto Alegre City Art Festival, Porto Alegre, Brazil (July 03 – 14, 1995)
She teaches seminars for postgraduate and doctoral degrees at the University of Porto Alegre, Brazil; Art Schools of Puerto Rico; Quito, Ecuador and Curitiba, Brazil
She creates Gráfica Contemporánea, a center dedicated to contemporary graphics
Professor of the subject Techniques in the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Buenos Aires in the History of Art chair, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Jury for teacher competitions and award jury in the National and private Halls in Argentina.